Monday, February 14, 2011


So unless you live under a rock you probably know of the grammys. Even if you didn't watch you probably heard of somebody talking about how this one weird band one for best album of the year. That band, was Arcade Fire. Performing one of the most exciting and left field turns in the history of the grammys. Even the people who announced the winner seemed shocked at the results stuttering saying "and the grammy goes to... The Su.. Suburbs?" After that the band accepted to which front man Win Butler stated in total shock "OK, what the hell!?"

After that the band played "Ready To Start" A surprisingly perfect track for the win. Although it felt weird seeing a song that I greatly considered to be a vicious battle cry turned into a victory dance. I caught myself laughing as the band bounced around with huge grins singing about the pains of growing up.

Overall I was excited to see Arcade Fire walk away with the top prize. They were easily the most deserving of the nominees and it just showed me that maybe good music in the mainstream isn't as dead as I thought it was.

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