Sunday, February 13, 2011

Number 9: Animal Collective- "My Girls"

"There isn't much, that I feel I need, a solid soul and the blood I bleed. But with a little girl and by my spouse, I only want a proper house." Croons Animal Collective's current genius Noah Lennox in the opening bars to 2009's greatest song. Just like that he creates a persona for himself, a romantic with a heart of gold. Here Noah promises his wife and daughter a house, a simple statement but when tied together with the bands harmonies and sweeping sounds, it becomes a song that is unforgettable and utterly beautiful. There is a certain power and passion in Noah's voice that has been typically avoided in an Animal Collective song. This is a love song and honestly, to this day I have never heard a man so full of love for his family as I have here. It rivals the passion of John Lennon as he sings about his nearly obsessive love for Yoko Ono. Now the lyrics while simple are brilliant and affectionate coincide brilliantly with the sound the rest of the band creates. There really is no way to fully describe the sound, it feels like a warm summer morning waking next to the girl you love, and honestly, that;s the best way I can describe it. It just feels that good. It really does. Mrs. Lennox, wherever you are, you are one lucky woman.

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