Once upon a time age, in the bizarre world of the early 90s, a little band called Nirvana was destroying the charts in sales and had take the crown as the most respected and beloved band of the time. However around the same time, a small band called Pavement was also making a name for itself. Pavement in some ways was an opposite to Nirvana implying a theme of feeling good and being young as opposed to Nirvana s themes of isolation and angst. Both would clash for the title of the best band of the nineties. But to me, Pavement will always be on top. And their very first single of their debut is one of the many reasons why. "Summer Babe"
takes the idea of a perfect girlfriend and makes it a reality. A girl that can make you feel loved even at your lowest, a woman willing to look through your flaws to help you see the light that you cant quite find. This is love seen through the mind of a sixteen year old whose mind hasn't been contaminated with thoughts and need for sex. This is a gem in its finniest form and the perfect song of my youth and love life.
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