Sunday, February 13, 2011

Number 5: Bob Dylan- "Shelter From The Storm"

"This is poetry" is probably the most abused compliment that a listener can give to a song or a songwriter, but for this one here, I cant quite think of a better way to describe it. Dylan is quite possibly the greatest songwriter the world has ever known but here, he conjures up something that even he should be proud of. With every lyric in this masterful track Dylan tackles another topic, whether it be the war, love, loss of innocence, fighting, religion or the concept of pain. Part of the beauty of this song is the fact that the mysterious "She" that gives Dylan the shelter that he seems to lack can be anything the listener wants her to be. Could she be divine? Could she be a thing an entity? Or is she just that one woman that can make everything alright. There is no right or wrong answer and perhaps like poetry, that's entirely the beauty of it.

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